How to Start a WordPress Blog

Are you ready to turn your dreams into reality & take charge of your life, attract growth, and achieve financial freedom? Starting a blog isn’t just about sharing your thoughts – it’s your gateway to an online audience, income streams, and a journey of success. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to start a blog that can lead you to financial freedom.

Are you someone who…

…is tired of the same old routine and is craving something more?
…daydreams about a life of financial freedom and flexibility?
…wishes you had more time for loved ones while chasing your dreams?
…Dreams of financial independence to pursue your passions?
…Wants to make your own dreams a reality, not just follow others?


If any of these points resonate with you, then you’re in the right spot. I’ve been there. As someone who once stood right where you are now, I understand the excitement and hesitation with starting a journey that can lead to freedom. I know it seems overwhelming, but I can assure you, you CAN do it. I learned everything I know about blogging with zero experience, and the money part just fell into place.

Start Your Blog Journey for Financial Freedom

blogging offers diverse opportunities – from affiliate marketing to sponsored content and ad revenue. And the best part is that starting a blog is affordable with a very minimal initial investments.

You’ve probably encountered tales of individuals who’ve transformed blogging into a full-time career, attaining financial independence and building success businesses. The truth is, blogging offers diverse possibilities. From giving you a website for affiliate marketing to sponsored content and ad revenue, blogging is your gateway to a world of opportunities. And the most exciting facet? Starting a blog doesn’t demand a fortune; it’s a journey that begins with a very modest investment.
start a blog: steps to financial freedom



A Glimpse into My Journey

In high school, I was OBSESSED with the Gilmore Girls. I dreamt of becoming a journalist, like Rory. However, the world of magazines and newspapers felt like a distant reality, especially with the rise of digital platforms. As any reasonable person might do, I buried my dreams away. Of course, I’m kidding!

10 years ago, I started my very first blog.  *cringe*.  At the time I didn’t know a thing about blogging. It was just for fun. I saw a blog post and said “hey, I want to do this too!”. Well, this decision brought me a lot of opportunities. I collaborated with other and sold ad space on my blog for $10 a week (go big or go home right?). I even received gifts from people who wanted to promote their products.

I’m excited to be your blogging guide and walk you through the step-by-step process of starting your own blog. The best part? You don’t need any experience to begin. All you need is a passion for what you want to share and the eagerness to learn. With dedication and a little effort, your blog can become a powerful tool for changing your life.

Let’s get started!

[Disclosure: This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission or receive compensation if you make a purchase by clicking one of my links. This is no extra cost for you and rest assured, I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe in and have personally tested. Your support through these links help me maintain this blog. Thank you!]



Should You Start a Blog in 2023?

Absolutely! Blogging is constantly evolving and in 2023 there’s a goldmine of opportunity waiting to be explored. According to WordPress, 77% of internet users read blog posts. Yep, you heard that right! That equals to about 409 million people EACH MONTH. Every day the online world has new audiences joining in. Imagine all the potential readers just waiting to connect with your content!

In 2023, blogging offers an enticing opportunity for aspiring writers and content creators. There are new trends happening DAILY that you can be the first to write articles on. Trends never stop. And being a blogger is like having a front-row seat to the coolest party in town! Plus, the tech-savvy advantage allows you to leverage tools and social media platforms, expanding your reach in the digital world. So, why not start a blog in 2023?



A blog isn’t just any old platform; it’s a place for your thoughts, experiences, and expertise. It’s a place where you can inspire, educate, and entertain peoples lives. Here are compelling reasons why starting a blog can be your key to growth and financial freedom:

  • Diverse Monetization Options. With a blog you can explore various ways to make money.
  • No Experience Required: No degree? No problem! All you need is the passion to learn.
  • Online Visibility: An optimized blog is a great way to get your name, and platforms out there.
  • Learn for Free:  There’s plenty of free resources out there to help you get started.
  • Low Startup Cost: Unlike traditional businesses, blogging has a minimal initial investment. It can sometimes even be free.
  • Achieve Financial Freedom: Blogging can give you financial independence, allowing you to be your own boss and live life on your terms.

Starting a blog has quite a few advantages!


How Much Does it Cost to Start a Blog?

Now let’s talk money. Typically, the initial investment falls within the range of $30 to $100 per year. This covers essential expenses like domain registration, web hosting, and basic blogging tools. But don’t worry, I’ve got some tips to save you money. It’s entirely possible to launch a blog for free, depending on your requirements.

While there are additional expenses, such as custom themes or email marketing services, rest assured, you can get your blog off the ground without these and theres even free theme’s that are amazing to work with!


What Do You Need to Start a Blog?

Before you start your blogging journey, let’s ensure you have everything you need to get started. It doesn’t require much of anything that you probably don’t already have. All you need is:

  • The internet (obviously).
  • An email address for signing up.
  • A computer for content creation.
  • The passion and drive to succeed.
  • a niche or a topic (we will talk more about this next)


How to Start a Blog


step 1 – Choose a Blog Niche

As a beginner, figuring out your perfect niche (aka the main topic of your blog) might be overwhelming . However, don’t let it consume too much of your time. I remember how I struggled with this when I first started, spending hours researching the perfect niche instead of getting started. But here’s the thing – you can always change it, start a new blog, or even blend your interests into a lifestyle blog!

To save you time and stress, I’ve created specialized worksheets to help you find your niche effortlessly. No need to waste time searching aimlessly. Just submit your email address, and I’ll send them to you instantly – and guess what? It’s totally free!



Profitable niches in 2023

I honestly believe that all niches can make money when you’re taking the time to share content in a way that’s educational, entertaining, or inspiring. Here are some of the top profitable niches as of today:

  • health and fitness
  • personal finance and investing
  • recipes and food
  • digital marketing
  • fashion

Hopefully between this and the worksheets I sent you, you’re feeling inspired and ready to go. But if you didn’t sign up for the free worksheets, here are five questions that you can reflect upon:

  1. What do you know a lot about?
  2. What are you good at?
  3. What are you passionate about?
  4. What do you want to learn?
  5. What is something you can talk about for hours?

It’s important to start a blog in a niche you feel you have knowledge on, and that you’re passionate about learning more about. When you’re wanting to make money from blogging, it’s important to create valuable content for your target audience where you solve problems and inspire. Do some research on your topic, see if there’s some questions people are asking that you can provide an answer to.


Step 2 – Pick a Domain and Blog Name

The key to a memorable online presence is choosing the perfect domain and blog name. If you aren’t familiar with what a domain is, it’s a URL or web address. Like mine is “”. Make it relevant to your niche or consider using your name for a personal touch, and ensure it’s simple, easy to spell, and memorable. Avoid special characters or hyphens to keep it user-friendly. Opt for a domain extension (.com, .net, .org) that suits your purpose. With Bluehost, you get your domain free for the first year, saving valuable resources. By nailing your domain and blog name, you’ll set the stage for a compelling online journey.


Step 3 – Choose a Platform to Start a Blog On

When it comes to choosing the right blogging platform, there are plenty of options to choose from. The one I initially started with and mentioned earlier in this article was Blogger. While it might not be as popular as it once was, it held a special place for me about a decade ago. Back then, it was an awesome community of bloggers & we all became close friends. However, when I revisited it before starting my current blog, I found that it lacked the customization options I needed for monetizing my blog.

Another option worth considering is Squarespace, known for its stunning layouts and design choices. However, I personally think it’s too expensive. Hello, I’m a freelancer! I need free-ish.


WordPress.Org vs.

Now, let’s talk about Pay attention to the “.com” in the name because this is where things get interesting. is the free version of the platform WordPress.ORG (what I use). The two may sound similar, but they offer much different features. To make it clear, here’s a chart highlighting their differences:



To make a long story short,, the platform I recommend, gives you complete control over your website and allows for unlimited customization possibilities. It’s a reliable and secure platform, especially with the right plugins. You can explore various monetization options, including creating memberships and selling products. So think about your long-term goals with starting a blog before deciding

One thing to note about is that there might be a slight learning curve. I personally took the time to master everything about my website from the inside out within a few months. But, I’m here to make your journey easier. Since you’re tagging along with me, you’ll be set up in no time! In the next step, half the work will be done already done for you!



A hosting service provides space on their server to store your blog and its information. With, you’ll need hosting. To help you understand what hosting is a little better, think about the house you live in. Now thing about the city in which your house is located in. In this case, wordpress is the house. and a hosting site like Bluehost is the city.

Now, let me guide you through setting up your hosting site and blog in a few easy steps (something I wish I had when I started).

Be aware this is the part you’ll be spending money. But not much. Only less than $3 a month! After a lot of research, this was the least inexpensive way I’ve found to run a blog.

Your page should look like this:


Bluehost Hosting Plans: Basic, Plus, and Choice Plus - Comparison and Features


  • Step 3 – Choose the plan that you’re looking for. the “Basic” is a good place to start in my opinion. (that’s the one I mentioned under $3)
  • Step 4 – Now, it’s time to set up your domain name. You can either use an existing domain or register a new one through Bluehost. If you get a domain through Bluehost, it’s free the first year.
  • Step 5 – Once your Domain is complete, you’ll be prompted to create your Bluehost account. Fill in the details and select your preferred package extras or uncheck the things you don’t want.
  • Step 6 – It’s going to verify your purchase through email, follow that link!
  • Step 7 – Now from your Bluehost homepage, they will guide you through the process of setting up WordPress. Click “Start Building”
  • Step 8 – Now follow the next few prompts it asks, answer to your specifications, and Bluehost will complete the WordPress installation for you. They will send you a confirmation message once finished.
  • Step 9 – Log on to your WordPress account. You can either do this through the Bluehost dashboard, or you can do this by adding “/wp-admin” to your blog URL

There you have it! You have now have your very own blog. Now it’s time to make your very first post! I’d love to be the first to see it. Send your link it in the comments so I can check it out.

I hope this helped. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send a message through my the “contact” spot on my page or by clicking here.

Don’t forget to grab some inspiration from my free worksheet!

Thank you for reading. I wish you luck on your blogging journey!

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