What is Faceless Digital Marketing?

At some point you’ve probably heard that you MUST show your face to make good money online.

For example, you probably think of YouTubes or successful influencers who always look amazing and post a bunch of pictures of theirselves.

Unfortunately, not everybody prefers to be in the spotlight. There are so many shy, introverted, or private people who aspire to be successful with an online business.

So what does that mean for them?

Introducing Faceless Digital Marketing



Let’s begin with a refresher of what digital marketing is. Digital Marketing is the process of promoting products and/or services via the internet. It leverages tools like social media, email, online ads, & search engine optimizations (SEO). 

So, what is Faceless Digital Marketing?

Faceless Digital Marketing is a form of digital marketing, but without you personally being in the spotlight. You use platforms like Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, etc. to post content & get your message out there. Basically you show off your brand without being the face of the brand! 

Who is Faceless Digital Marketing for?

  • People who are shy.
  • People who are introverted and don’t want to be all over social media.
  • People who want to remain private but still do digital marketing.
  • Businesses who want to show off their products without a face of the brand.
  • Anybody who wants to get involved!

Faceless digital marketing is very powerful for entrepreneurs because in todays age where it’s dominated by photos and images, you’re expected to be an actor, model, filmmaker, and editor. This is a draining process for those looking to simply promote their products.

At this point you’re probably wondering if you aren’t the face of your product marketing, who is? how is this done?

There are several ways including

  • You can make content where it’s your product and only your hands showing it off.
  • You can be be creative and take videos of  your product in a creative way
  • If you have digital products, you can use videos from your personal b-roll footage
  • You can find them free online (make sure you look at license info)
  • You can purchase a monthly subscription from an aesthetically pleasing content back, and let your authenticity shine through your words.

Here are some aesthetically pleasing stock websites:

Additionally, there are free options like Pexels & Upsplash

For those who prefer to maintain a low profile, faceless digital marketing is the way to go. You do not need to be the face to be the boss. By embracing this strategy, you can create a brand & tell it’s story, and you do not have to sacrifice your comfort to do this.

If you’re interested in learning more about Faceless Digital Marketing, check out The Faceless Marketing Project. This is a playbook that teaches you how to be successful from point A to point B with faceless marketing and regular digital marketing.

Good luck on your Faceless jouney!

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